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Membership in MBC-LEO

Click here for a list of current MBC-LEO members.

In order to be actively involved with MBC-LEO, individuals are invited to become members. There are six categories of membership and they are as follows:

Full Members
Persons holding elected municipal positions such as mayor, council member, commissioner, or any similar position that have paid their membership dues. Full members having voting authority and can hold office within the caucus. Annual full member dues are $35.

Associate Members
Persons that are non-elected municipal / governmental employees that have paid their membership dues. Associate members have voting authority at annual meetings, but cannot hold office within the Caucus. Associate member dues are $35.

Corporate Members
Businesses that agree with the mission and purpose of MBC-LEO. Annual corporate member dues are $100.

Supporting Members
Persons that are not municipal / governmental employees but agree with the purpose of the Caucus. Supporting members do not have voting authority and cannot hold office within the Caucus. Annual supporting member dues are $50.

Alumni Members
Persons that no longer hold a position in municipal government but wish to continue serving on the Caucus. Alumni members shall have voting authority at annual meetings and may be appointed to hold office within the Caucus. Annual alumni member dues are $30.

Student Members
Persons that are currently in school and are not municipal/government employees. Annual student member dues are $15.

Benefits of Membership

Leadership Development: MBC-LEO actively supports and aggressively promotes its members for leadership positions within the Michigan Municipal League and the National League of Cities.

Networking: MBC-LEO offers an informal network of municipal officials and employees from large, medium and small cities across the State of Michigan available to share ideas, offer suggestions and help each other address some of the tough issues faced by local elected officials.

Policy Development: Through affiliation with the Michigan Municipal League, MBC-LEO advises, comments and advocates policy positions that reflect the interests of the African American community. MBC-LEO is also a partner with other African American state and national organizations and supports issues affecting the national and local government agenda.

Forums: MBC-LEO's seminars, workshops and regional conferences provide great opportunities for special focus and discussion on particular policies and governing.

Information Dissemination: MBC-LEO keeps in touch with issues that affect the urban community. MBC-LEO distributes this relevant information, statistical data, new ideas and concepts to its membership.

Committees: MBC-LEO's standing committees provide an opportunity to become personally involved in the organization's ongoing activities and contribute to the further growth and development of the organization

Click Here to Download the MBC-LEO Application or renew your membership online here.

For more information, please contact Kelly Warren at (734) 669-6310 or e-mail

MBC-LEO, c/o Michigan Municipal League, 1675 Green Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Phone: 800-653-2483, FAX: 734-662-8083